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I have recently completed my PhD at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. My research focuses on how feminist campaigns in Australia have challenged gendered discourses of women in the Australian mainstream media.​ For a full list of my publications, please see my and ResearchGate profiles. Alternatively, I've selected a few of my favourites below.


Outside of these publications, I've also worked on some fantastic research projects. These include an Australian Research Council-funded project on image-based abuse, an international project on the harassment of women in urban spaces, social media use in senior citizens, and user testing for students in online classrooms. Feel free to drop me an email if you're after my complete CV. 


2022 - Book chapter

Gleeson, J & Fletcher G 2022, 'Indigenous Perspectives on Inclusive Assessment', in Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education, doi: 10.4324/9781003293101-6


2021 - Journal article

Gleeson, J 2021, ‘Troubling/trouble in the academy: posttraumatic stress disroder and sexual abuse research', Higher Education,


2019 - Invited book chapter

Gleeson, J and Turner, B 2019, ‘Online feminist activism as performative consciousness-raising: A #MeToo case study’,  In B. Fileborn and R. Loney-Howes (eds), #MeToo and the politics of social change, Palgrave Macmillan.


2018 - Journal article

Gleeson, J 2018, 'Only for White, Middle-class Feminists? Issues of Intersectionality within the Worlds of Contemporary Digital Feminist Campaigns', Platform, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 7-18.


2017 - Invited book chapter

Gleeson, J 2017,  ‘Destroying the Joint?’ Challenging and changing representations of women in mainstream media via online feminist campaigns,  In J.M. Fulton and P. McIntyre (Eds), Creating Space in the Fifth Estate, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne.


2016 - Journal article

Gleeson, J 2016, ‘”(Not) working 9-5”: The consequences of contemporary Australian-based online feminist campaigns as digital labour’, Media International Australia, no. 161.


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